Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. Psalm 25:4-5

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Do You Have a Favorite Child?

Esau and Jacob were two completely different boys. Anyone who has had twins or been around twins understands how vastly different they can be. Esau was the manlier, outdoor-oriented son who was favored by his father. Jacob was the quieter, domestic natured son favored by mother. Obviously, these boys knew that their parents had picked favorites and I am sure they struggled with envy on both sides. In fact, we see this very thing.

Isaac is very old and has lost his eyesight. He calls to Esau, his favorite son, and asks him to catch and prepare delicious food for him so that he can eat and bless Esau before he dies. Rebekah hears this, and because she loves Jacob more, decides to devise a plan to steal Esau's blessing and give it to Jacob. She has Jacob lie to his father and bring him a delicious meal and Jacob receives the blessing meant for Esau. This sparks anger in Esau (of course) and he says he will kill his brother. So, Rebekah tells Jacob to flee to her brother Laban in Haran.

Because Isaac and Rebekah have decided to pick favorites between their two sons it has only caused strife in their home. We need to be so very careful that we love our children each individually for who they are. Not favoring one over another simply because of their personality. Of course, I only have one son right now whom I love dearly and I have my second born due in March. I don't know how hard this might be. I can imagine they will have completely different personalities, but they are both my children. I will love both of them. It will be different I am sure, but the main truth is the importance of not picking a favorite son/daughter and showing more love to one than the other. This is what sparks jealousy and hatred as we can see in Isaac and Rebekah's family.

God can use us even when we do not do what is right. This does not mean God condones our wrong actions. It simply means that He continues to work His will regardless. In Genesis 25:23 the Lord said to Rebekah (prior to either Jacob or Esau's birth), "...the older shall serve the younger." Yes, Rebekah did deceive her husband and that was wrong, but God's word prevailed. Is it possible that this same outcome could have come had Rebekah not deceived Isaac? I believe so. Simply because God said it would be so. God also knew what was going to happen before it even happened. There is no telling what would have happened had Rebekah not been deceptive. But the principal still applies that God in his sovereignty can and will use us to fulfill his promises and work around our sinful ways to carry out his plan. Just remember that if we had followed God, there would have been an easier way!

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