Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. Psalm 25:4-5

Friday, September 21, 2012

Following Our Husband's Godly Leadership

Noah's Wife. She must have been a very strong woman. Even though her name is not mentioned I already admire her. She was set apart by God to be one of only 4 women who would survive the worldwide flood. I tried to imagine what she must have been like raising 3 boys. Her husband obviously loved God and followed God with his life. And from what it seems she didn't have anyone else to turn to for guidance and direction except God and her husband. She didn't have godly friends who she could talk to. Maybe she had a mother in law who was still alive who she could talk to, but we don't know that. She simply had to follow God and her husband.

So, one day her husband comes to her and shares with her what God has told him he needs to do. Her husband needs to build a really really big boat because God is going to send a deluge of rain (which they had never known of because prior to the flood there was a moist canopy that covered the had never rained before). I wonder what she was thinking. I am sure she prayed for her husband and her sons who helped to build this huge boat, but I am sure she also asked God many questions. I know I would have! But ultimately we see that she followed her husbands instructions and guidance even when it didn't make sense because she knew that her husband followed God and trusted God! What an awesome example and a rebuke to me! I know I may not have always followed my husbands instructions and guidance as perfectly as I should have. I have questioned him on many occasions as i tend to be a bit stubborn and strong willed at times. But here, this wife was faced with something she had no knowledge about. Something that I am sure some people saw as crazy. Yet, she stood by her husband and followed him into the boat!

We need to be willing to trust our husbands as they follow God. Even when things don't make sense and we may not understand. We need to focus on our duties as wives. Does that mean we never ask questions? No. I am sure Noah's wife asked questions and I am sure they prayed about many aspects of what God had called them to do. But that is the key! To follow God TOGETHER as husband and wife! Be a team for God! God used Noah and his family because they were different from the rest of the world. They were not afraid to follow God when everyone else was following their flesh and forsaking God. Let's strive to be different! Let's strive to follow God more closely! And let's strive to follow our husbands and stand next to our husbands and be a team for the glory of God!

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