David did not live a perfect life. He dealt with anger, lust, and adultery. Yet, he was called a "man after God's own heart." I look at his life and see how God can take our sin cursed lives and turn them into something beautiful.
Just beginning in the life of Solomon, much is shown of his heart. He loved his Lord. He cared much for his people and the responsibility before him as their king. So much so that when God asked him what one thing he desired, he asked for wisdom and understanding to better lead and guide his people!
If God came to you and asked you what one thing you desired, what would your response be? Would you ask for riches and power? Or would you ask for wisdom on how you can better lead and guide your family?
We live in a materialistic world. I am sure Solomon also lived in a world where "things" were what counted towards ones wealth in the eyes of man.
Back to the legacy. Solomon had the guidance from a man who was not perfect, who made wrong choices in his life, who stumbled in his walk with God. He saw firsthand how sin could destroy a man's life and the lives of others. His father was king David!
No, we are not royalty. No, we do not have nations to lead. But we have precious lives of the children that God has given to us. Children who will see our low moments in life. Who will see us fail and make mistakes and sin against God. But do our children also see us raised up again by God to worship Him in the midst of our darkest moments in life? Are we teaching our children about the heart of God? Are we teaching our children about sin? Are we teaching our children about the redeeming power of the Gospel? Or are we just correcting behavior? I am preaching to myself today.
So many times I desire my children act a certain way to please me. This is not altogether bad, but if all I reach is the outward actions and lose their hearts, then I have failed as a parent!
I need to reach their hearts! I need to teach them what a redeemed heart looks like! I need to lead their hearts to God so that they can then give God their hearts and lives!
As parents we have a very large and overwhelming task before us. A task that, without God, is truly impossible. Let us strive to be parents after God's heart and also parents after the hearts of our children! Let us ask God for wisdom and knowledge to lead these little ones that we have been entrusted with. Just as Solomon learned to love God from the legacy of his father, let us start a similar legacy that teaches our children to love God as a result of our lives!
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