Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. Psalm 25:4-5

Saturday, August 29, 2015

A Queen Seeking Wisdom

In 1 Kings chapter 10, we read about the Queen of Sheba and how she was in awe of what God was doing for King Solomon and how she sought him out to learn of his wisdom and his God.
I couldn't help but see how this queen had to first humble herself and realize that even though she was a queen, she did not have all the answers.
My favorite part of this chapter is the end of verse 5, where it says "there was no more breath in her."
She had told Solomon all that was on her mind, and Solomon answered all of her questions, and shared his wisdom with her and then showed her all that God had done. She was speechless!
Yes, Solomon was just a man, but what a neat parallel if we consider ourselves as the Queen of Sheba coming to Christ and sharing all that is on our minds and Christ bestowing on us His great wisdom and then opening our eyes to all that He has done, is doing, and will do in our lives!
THIS, to me, was such a beautiful and clear picture of what our relationship to Christ ought to look like!
We need to share with Christ all that is on our minds and hearts, seek His wisdom, learn from Him (through His Word), and then see the wonderful ways He works in our lives!
Then you read down to verse 13 which says, "And King Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all that she desired...."
What does your relationship with Christ look like? When was the last time you poured out your heart and mind to Him? When was the last time you sought after His wisdom? Has Christ ever taken your breath away?

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