Whew, it has been a little while since I last posted. So much has been going on! Drew went off to Israel last Wednesday for a 2 weeks trip and then I headed up to Greenville, SC to visit friends to kind of make the time that Drew was gone go by faster. Then on the way home I got hit with a stomach bug that literally emptied my entire system within just a short period of time. Not fun at all. But I am home now and life has slowed back down! So, back to Painting My Bible Pink!
Chapter 36 tells of the generations of Esau and it begins by stating he took wives from the Canaanites. In one of the study notes in my Bible it makes reference to the marriages to Canaanite women as never being looked upon well. I am not entirely sure why this was, they may have been a pagan people and therefore a culture of people steeped in immorality and idol worship. I really don't know. The Bible is not clear, it is just obviously not looked on as a favorable thing.
As I was reading and just meditating last night as to what to write today on my blog journal, I couldn't help but think of a few things. If you are aware of the dispensations in the Bible, you know that we are currently under grace. Back during these days in Genesis man was under the promise. This promise being mainly to Abraham and his people. Especially as I dug deeper into these chapters I couldn't help but think how God would deal with people now if we were put in Abraham's time. Case in point, in chapter 38 is mentions Er, the son of Judah, being wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord put him to death. Obviously, there are MANY wicked in our world. If they lived in the time of Abraham would the Lord simply put them to death for their wickedness? How many times do we sin and are wicked in the sight of our Lord (because God sees all sins as equal, sin is sin)? Would the Lord have already put us to death?? Oh how we need to flee from ANY wickedness in our lives and we need to be following God totally and completely!
In the rest of chapter 38 we deal with issues of selfishness on the part of Onan, and deception, and prostitution. Could these things have been avoided had Judah not taken a Canaanite as his wife? I believe it is possible.
In chapter 39 we get back to the story of Joseph. he is in Potiphar's house and Potiphar has put Joseph over so much! We see the dynamic of Potiphar's wife and how she was selfish in her personal desires and lusts. She saw Joseph who is called handsome in form and appearance, and asked him to lie with her. This went on day after day and Joseph, knowing what was right, refused every time. Till one day Potiphar's wife tried to take matters into her own selfish hand and she caught Joseph by his garment and he totally shed the garment and fled. So, then because Potiphar's wife did not get what she wanted, decided to lie and say that Joseph was the one wanting to lie with her. So, Potiphar had Joseph cast into prison.
No, we don't have handsome servant boys at our homes to tempt us! But how do we act in this same way in our lives? I can think of many instances! How about when we desire a new dress, or jacket, or chocolate cake, or new piece of jewelry? We look at it and see it is beautiful and appealing in both form and appearance and we become selfish and do whatever it takes to get that item! Whether it is maybe lying to our husbands about how much it really cost, or being deceptive about how we get it. I would say that this too is wrong. Now, it may not be exactly the same thing, but the heart attitude is the same. It is simply selfishness. Letting our desires, lusts, and fleshly appetites dictate our lives. I know I have been guilty of this. Let us be honest with ourselves and be careful that we do not become selfish and do whatever it takes to get what we want as women. We do have a power over our husbands. I know my husband shared this with me when we were first married, when I see something in the store and I really really want it and make a big deal about it he feels compelled to buy it for me whether it is wise or not simply because he loves me and desires to make me happy and pleasure me. We need to be careful and be wise and control our selfish desires.
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