Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. Psalm 25:4-5

Saturday, October 27, 2012

If God Blessed Us Then, Why Do We Doubt He Will Bless Us Later?

Wow, what a week. Looking back I feel like such a moron! Ever have one of those weeks? Let me fill you in on what happened and how I let my doubts and fears get in the way of seeing how God fulfilled one of His promises in my life.

It all began about a month ago. Being pregnant and carrying around a 27+ pound 1 year old plus already having back issues was not good news for my back. I was in a lot of pain and I was putting off going to see my chiropractor because I saw no way possible that we could even afford one visit, let alone weeks and months of the therapy I knew I needed. Finally, I could not take the pain any longer and knew something had to be done, so, I called up my chiropractor and got my first appointment scheduled. I was honest with the receptionist, who is also a friend of mine, and told her that I truly had no idea how I was going to pay for my treatment and for them to just be patient with us. She said it was not a problem and to just pay what we could when we could.

After going for a little over a month and finally getting some relief I still had not been able to pay anything towards my ever increasing bill. I was praying and asking God to supply the need that we had. I knew he could, but I struggled with truly believing he would. Well, once again, God showed me how true His promises are...

About a week ago I got a phone call from a dear, sweet friend of mine who lives in Colorado. She called to let me know that she was sending me a package. She said there was a couple things in it for Aaron (my 1 year old) and a little money for me to put towards my chiropractor bill! I don't remember if I had shared with her about the need that I had or not, but either way, I knew that God was answering my prayer! She did not tell me how much she was sending. So, I was looking forward to the sweet gift from my friend, and continually praying that God would provide for my need. On Monday night, I had planned to go out for a much needed "Mom's night" with a friend of mine. On my way out the door there was the package! So, I grabbed it and took it with me to open in the car on the way to dinner. Now, your probably went out to dinner when you had a financial need?? Yes! And if you know me, you will also know that I had coupons for everything! One for me, and one for my friend! Yup! I don't pay full price for ANYTHING if I don't have to.

So, we get in the car, and I share the story with my friend about the package. So, we open it and inside is much more money than I could have imagined! It was not easy trying to hold back the tears of gratitude! I immediately thanked God for His blessing and how he used my friend in Colorado! I still did not know what the total of my bill was for the chiropractor, so I continued to pray that week till my appointment on Thursday.

Ok, now lets back up one day to Sunday (before our Mom's night out), our Pastor passed around Faith Promise cards at church. Drew was not yet home from his trip to Israel (he got back Tuesday) and so I took a card and silently prayed that God would give me an amount to give this next year that was more than what we gave this past year. If you are not familiar with Faith is simply missions giving that is in addition to your tithe/offering. So, he pretty much immediately put an amount in my head and I knew I needed to talk to Drew about it. It was a true step of faith amount just like our current amount is. Last year, we did not have the extra for missions, but we knew that God wanted us to give. So we decided on an amount and trusted that God would provide for us to give that amount to missions every week. Guess what! He did!! For one whole year we had that extra money that we had prayed for and trusted God for every week! And I will be honest, as I was praying in church Sunday, I had the typical thoughts flowing through my head...what about this area where we are short? Or that area? How are we going to pay for this AND that? Yeah, we have all been there. But I knew the number that God had placed on my heart to increase our missions giving too...and so on I waited till Drew got home to talk to him about it.

So, to recap...Saturday, I got the phone call with the blessing of a gift from my friend. On Sunday, the Lord gave me a number that we should increase our missions giving too knowing that we don't actually have the money to do that...but knowing we would have to trust Him to provide it. Monday, I receive the gift from my friend for much more than I could have imagined!

On Tuesday, Drew came home from his trip and it was back to normal life (well, as normal as it could possibly be). Within the last several months, Drew and I have been discussing our financial situation in relation to our needs and especially the upcoming birth of our second child in March. Honestly, to look at our finances, we don't know how we get by...we just do. And for that reason it is a topic of conversation that isn't exactly our favorite and an area that I tend to stress/worry way too much over. Well, on Wednesday, I had our financial situation on my mind a lot. I was allowing it to really get me down. I knew where we should be financially to be able to get by without a problem and I knew where we were and I was allowing that gap to put me in a gloomy mood on Wednesday.

Well, after church on Wednesday night Drew and I were walking to our car when I remembered sharing with him what God had impressed on my heart about missions giving on Sunday. So, I shared the amount that I felt God would have us increase our giving to. At that, he shared with me that he had received a $1 raise at work. Instantly, my mind went back to that gloomy state that I had been in all day worrying about our finances. So, what was my response?? "That's it? Just $1? Ugh!" And the conversation ended.

On Thursday, I went to my chiropractor, and asked what my bill was when they included that days visit. What a blessing!! The amount that my friend had sent me was ABOVE what my total bill was including Thursday's visit! God had provided over and above what I needed for my chiropractor bill! I was able to pay my bill IN FULL with some money left over to cover my visits for the next couple of weeks! God had answered my prayer over and above!! And he had used a dear friend!! I was rejoicing!  Well, I went home and shared the news with Drew who was also excited too! And instantly, I was rebuked by the Holy Spirit for my attitude towards the news of Drew's raise the night before. I knew I needed to apologize for my stinky attitude and to rejoice in the fact that he did receive a raise and God was again trying to show me how he was providing for our needs.

Well, it was Friday night and I still had not apologized to Drew (I knew I needed to). We had gotten home from helping at our church's weekly addictions program and I came to Drew and apologized for my wrong response regarding his raise. I was in tears because I knew I had not encouraged my husband and lifted him up when I most needed to. He then shared with me something that I could not see because I had allowed my stinky attitude to get in the way. On Wednesday night after church I had just shared with him how I felt God wanted us to increase our missions giving even though I had no idea how we could do that and that we needed to trust that God would provide and then Drew had shared with me how he had gotten a raise. Here I was sharing with him what i felt God was leading us to do, and ALREADY God was providing! I could not see that on Wednesday because I allowed our long list of "needs" to get in the way. I was broken. I sat there and just bawled because here I was rejoicing one minute for how God provided over and above my need at the chiropractor, yet blinded to how God AGAIN provided for us over and above so that we could give to Faith Promise for the second year with increase!!

So, what is the lesson in this? I need to be so careful that I don't allow worry and the stress of the bigger picture cloud my view of the blessings that God provides my family! If God can provide in the absolutely awesome way that he did this week for the one little area of my chiropractor bill then why can't he also provide for our needs later down the road when we have this second child? Why can't he also provide the money for every single one of our list of needs? I learned a lesson for sure this week. I need to put away the worry about the things of tomorrow and I need to trust that God will provide just like he promised! I don't know how we will make it tomorrow, next month, next year...but I saw God provide for me this week! I need to trust that he will provide for me tomorrow, next month, and next year and stop looking at what we don't have and simply look to the One who owns it all.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Note on Job...

I am going to finish up the book of Job and then give a synopsis of what I have learned that I can apply to my watching for the post!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When Your Suffering Seems to Great

Ok, so trying to really understand all that Job's friend Eliphaz is saying as a way to try to help Job after this time of crisis in his life. It has taken me a little while and I have been rereading the passage the last couple of days. Nothing highlighted in pink, but definitely some deeper passages.
From what I can understand, Eliphaz has come to Job telling him that it is because of some secret sin in his life that he has had such tragedy befall his household. The key verse in chapter 4, I believe is verse 17, which says, "Can mortal man be in the right before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?" Obviously, the answer is yes and no. I say this because I do believe that when we come to God confessing our sins and turning from them to do what is right, we are then right and pure before God. Do I believe it lasts? No. We are sinners. Can we be forever pure and right in the eyes of God? No. Not while we are living on this sin cursed earth. Eliphaz is basically saying that if Job accepts his situation as God's discipline on his life then he will be spared any further trouble and will live to be a "ripe old age" (5:26).
I do not believe that bad things come into our lives as consequences of sin all the time. Do I believe that the consequences of sin are devastating on our lives? Yes. But I do not believe that God always brings us through the hard times as a result of sin. We know the back story to Job. We know that before God he was called blameless. Obviously, in the life of Job the tragedy was not because of sin, but rather as a time of testing to see if his faith would hold steadfast.
Job responds to his friend, Eliphaz in chapters 6-7. He longs to die in hopes of alleviating his suffering. And in 6:10 says, "...I have not denied the words of the Holy One." Referring to the fact that he has not concealed a sin as his friends suggest he did.
In chapter 7, Job turns to God. He feels his suffering is too great for him and he loathes his life. Have you ever been to this place? Have you ever felt that the pain and suffering you were experiencing in your life was too great? I know many have. I have been there when my mom passed away. It is so easy to get into a depression of sorts when you are at such a low point in your life. Keep your focus on God when hard times come and you feel you cannot go on anymore. God is still there with an outstretched arm ready to pull from the sea of suffering when you feel like you are drowning. Cling to God during those times. It is only then that you will find your way out and you will experience joy in the midst of suffering.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Does our View of God Change Based on Our Circumstances?

Job 1-3
Oh, the story of Job. I know we can all probably say that we have had our fair share of bad days, but I think we could all agree that Job's bad day is far worse than any we have ever experienced.

Job had seven sons and three daughters, seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred oxen, five hundred donkeys, and many servants. He was known as the greatest of all the people! But before the Bible mentions any of the things that he possessed it states something even more important. It states that Job was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil.

Most of us are familiar with the story of Job. But if not, here is a quick synopsis:
Satan came to God one day and challenged that if God removes His hand of protection from all that Job has that surely Job will curse God. So God tells Satan that all that Job possesses he can touch, except Job's life. So, what happens next? Job's children are killed, his livestock taken and his servants killed. Then to make matters even worse Job is struck with sores from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. He is left with only his life and his wife. And then his wife says to him, "Curse God and die!" In all of this the Bible says Job did not sin.

How would we have responded in Job's situation? Would we have cursed God? Would we have sinned? Would our view of God change based on our circumstances? For many people it does. For many people all it takes is one thing to go wrong (in their eyes) in their life and they ask God, "Why did you do this? How could you have done this?" And they stop trusting in God and they stop following God because all of a sudden he is not worthy (in their eyes) of their worship and devotion. How strong is your faith and trust in God? Do you say, "I will follow you, God, if...." That should not be true of our lives. Yes, we all go through trials in our lives. Yes, all trials are there for a reason. We may not ever know the reason, but the truth remains. God is in control and whether our circumstances are good we should praise Him and whether our circumstances are bad we should praise Him. Our trust in God should not be a conditional trust. If your trust in God is conditional, get this area in your life right today! Strengthen your relationship with God. Promise to serve Him and follow him no matter outcome of the situation! Because that is true devotion! God showed us the truest love and devotion when he sent His Son to die for us. Can we not show our appreciation to Him by living our lives dedicated to His service?? I would challenge you to search your heart as I have searched my own and truly dedicate your life to God unconditionally!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

But God Meant it for Good.

Genesis 46-50

I just want to park on this topic for a little bit. I did not get to highlight much in pink today as the book of Genesis came to a close with the death of both Israel (Jacob) and Joseph. In 50:20a Joseph responds to his brothers who have come asking for forgiveness by saying, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good..."

We were able to see so clearly how Joseph could have looked at his many different situations where he probably dealt with feelings of rejection, fear, betrayal, etc. But he did not let that stop him. He seemed to always know God had a plan even when times of trial seemed long. I am sure he felt like he would never get out of the prison. He had a moment of anticipation when the cupbearer was released and he hoped that he would be remembered. But the cupbearer forgot! So, he was left to wait even longer before finally being released and oh how God used him!

Can we say that we have the same attitude towards those who do evil towards us? Probably not. Our normal reaction is to get even or to say wrong things about those people. But is that the right attitude? It does not say what Joseph might have thought in his heart, but he seemed submissive to whatever situation God placed him in. Let's strive to have the heart of Joseph and to remember that when people do us wrong, God has a plan and a purpose for everything!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Only God Can Turn a Tough Situation into Something Beautiful

Genesis 41-45
Even though there was not much that I highlighted pink in these passages I thoroughly enjoyed reading the account of Joseph and his brothers. The main truth that I absolutely love is how God can take even the toughest situation, and the sin of people to bring about so much good and to work all things for His honor and glory! We see that so clearly in the story of Joseph!

Joseph's brothers do not like him because he is favored by his father and because it seems Joseph can be a little on the proud side. So, his brother's plot to kill him. Reuben steps in and keeps them from killing him, but his brothers end up selling Joseph as a way to get rid of him. So, then the brother's have to come up with a lie to tell their father and take his coat of many colors and put blood on it and tell their father that Joseph was killed by a beast.

You might think that this was all bad for Joseph, but he ends up in Potiphar's house and is made the overseer of all that Potiphar has. Well, because Joseph was good looking, Potiphar's wife looked and lusted and tried her hardest to get her way and get Joseph in bed with her. Well, Joseph would not and so then Potiphar's wife pulled his robe off and lied to her husband saying that Joseph was trying to commit sin with her. So, Potiphar throws Joseph in prison.

Well, because Joseph was an outstanding man, he was put in charge of the prison! And to make a long story short ended up interpreting Pharaoh's dream about the coming famine, was made second in command in Pharaoh's house and then along comes his brother's seeking food during the famine. Egypt had food because of Pharaoh's dream and them being able to store up for the time of famine. Well, so Joseph recognizes his brothers and tests them and gets them to bring his brother Benjamin and then eventually he reveals his identity to his brothers and sends for his father and provides for his family in the midst of the famine!!

It is such an awesome picture of the divine providence of God! And I love it! Our God can use us no matter our sin and no matter our faults! He can turn a tough situation into one that is beautiful and one that works out for our good and ultimately God's glory! We need to remember this when we go through trials. As women we can almost float along on our emotions and forget this truth! We must not be steered by our emotions, rather we need to be firmly rooted in God's truth! Let us have that firm foundation that permeates every aspect of our lives so that when the storms of life come we are ready because we know that on the other side there is a rainbow and a promise that God is by our side and will get us through no matter how rough the seas of life may be!!

What Happily Ever After Really Looks Like...

Ok, this is not part of my Bible reading, but it has been on my mind a lot this last week since my husband flew overseas on a trip. And today I decided to just add my pondering's to this blog since it is women focused. So, hold on...I am going to be pretty transparent! And yes, this is dedicated to my husband, whom (even for all of the weird quirks he has) still holds my heart!

When we get married or even before we get married we dream of the "happily ever after" part of falling in love and spending our lives with that one special man. Those of us who are married know the hard work involved in order to make a marriage strong and last for that "ever after." And, no, it is not always happily. In fact, any married person who is honest will tell you there are a lot of "un-happily" parts of marriage.

This was the first time that Drew and I have been apart for this long of a time since we have been married. Honestly, I think he was looking forward to a break away from me! lol! I am human and I am a sinner and, yes, I do drive my husband a little nutty sometimes! And to top it all off I am pregnant and chasing around a 1 year old all day! I am most likely not the most amazing person to live with most days. Yes, I am guilty of nagging when the garbage needs to go outside or when I am sick and tired of picking up dirty socks all over my house and always there is a pair of shoes in my kitchen or living room that don't belong! But, in all honesty, that is life. That is part of living with another person. Drew works so hard at his job each day trying to support a growing family that is constantly getting bigger! Then he sacrifices of his time and gives so much of himself to our church. He has such a big heart and I love him for that! Then he comes home and takes care of Aaron and I and the needs that we have here as a loving father and husband.

In the throes of life, I don't always see this. I get selfish (as I mentioned in yesterday's post) and I demand that he serve ME more! I see his faults and the areas where he needs to improve in order to make MY life more pleasant. This isn't right. And I have done this to him way too many times! I need to keep my focus on my husbands amazing qualities! I need to focus on how much my husband DOES accomplish in his life. I need to lift up my husband and encourage him to keep doing a great job! I need to remember this week, and remember that what is most important is that I have my husband! And he loves me! Just like the sweet phrase describing Isaac and Rebekah "...and he loved her." Such a short simple phrase, but there is so much to that! I have that love!

So many marriages these days fall apart. And he is blaming her and she is blaming him, but really they both need to look at themselves and see that they are selfish sinners! Of course a marriage is not going to work if both people are being selfish! Marriage is not a 50/50 relationship. Instead I would say it is a 100/100. What do I mean? If you will give your husband 100% of yourself and not allow selfishness to reign in your life, but be completely self-less then you will get back 100% satisfaction! Will it be easy? No way! This goes completely against human nature! But I believe it is God's way! It pains me to see marriages fall apart because I think of my own life and I can see how if I or my husband did think differently on marriage (we are both committed to our relationship no matter what) the easy thing even a while ago would have been to get out! It is the easy thing to do. But I would not have found happiness.

My husband and I have been through MANY tough moments! The biggest and toughest issues we have dealt with have been finances and our big house remodel (which is still going on after almost 4 years!). We have had many "spats" over the last 5 years and each one I look back on I did not have the right attitude or response! Thats just how it goes. But I know husband means everything to me and after being apart for a week (and I still have about a week before I see him again) I am looking forward to having him back in our home safe and sound even with all of his annoying quirks! Because I love him! I know he isn't perfect. He married an imperfect person. But he is MY husband. And I have shared so many special moments of my life with him. For all of the tough moments where we did not see eye to eye and the moments where he just drove me nuts, there are at least 10 (or more) moments that I can look back and I am thankful I got to share those with this man! Were they all happy moments in my life? No. But they were moments where I needed my husbands strong shoulder to lean on and moments that I would not have wanted to have shared with anyone else.

So I would encourage you. If you are not married, draw so close to God during this time and focus your life on building your relationship with him as you wait for your husband. Because when you do get married, I promise you will need to lean on God so much in order to have that "happily ever after!" That is the great secret to a "happily ever after" kind of marriage. It is a marriage with God at the center of EVERYTHING! Those moments where we struggled were moments that we left God out. And for those who are married, keep God at the center of your marriage! If your husband does not know God, be the kind of wife spoken of in the Bible and he will see a difference in your life! And if your husband does know God I would like to share with you what a very godly woman shared with me on my wedding day: When you are the most mad and upset at your husband, remember your wedding day and remember WHY you married this man.

I cannot imagine life without my husband! It is for this reason that I can say that we have a "happily ever after."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dealing With Selfish Desires

Whew, it has been a little while since I last posted. So much has been going on! Drew went off to Israel last Wednesday for a 2 weeks trip and then I headed up to Greenville, SC to visit friends to kind of make the time that Drew was gone go by faster. Then on the way home I got hit with a stomach bug that literally emptied my entire system within just a short period of time. Not fun at all. But I am home now and life has slowed back down! So, back to Painting My Bible Pink!

Chapter 36 tells of the generations of Esau and it begins by stating he took wives from the Canaanites. In one of the study notes in my Bible it makes reference to the marriages to Canaanite women as never being looked upon well. I am not entirely sure why this was, they may have been a pagan people and therefore a culture of people steeped in immorality and idol worship. I really don't know. The Bible is not clear, it is just obviously not looked on as a favorable thing.

As I was reading and just meditating last night as to what to write today on my blog journal, I couldn't help but think of a few things. If you are aware of the dispensations in the Bible, you know that we are currently under grace. Back during these days in Genesis man was under the promise. This promise being mainly to Abraham and his people. Especially as I dug deeper into these chapters I couldn't help but think how God would deal with people now if we were put in Abraham's time. Case in point, in chapter 38 is mentions Er, the son of Judah, being wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord put him to death. Obviously, there are MANY wicked in our world. If they lived in the time of Abraham would the Lord simply put them to death for their wickedness? How many times do we sin and are wicked in the sight of our Lord (because God sees all sins as equal, sin is sin)? Would the Lord have already put us to death?? Oh how we need to flee from ANY wickedness in our lives and we need to be following God totally and completely!

In the rest of chapter 38 we deal with issues of selfishness on the part of Onan, and deception, and prostitution. Could these things have been avoided had Judah not taken a Canaanite as his wife? I believe it is possible.

In chapter 39 we get back to the story of Joseph. he is in Potiphar's house and Potiphar has put Joseph over so much! We see the dynamic of Potiphar's wife and how she was selfish in her personal desires and lusts. She saw Joseph who is called handsome in form and appearance, and asked him to lie with her. This went on day after day and Joseph, knowing what was right, refused every time. Till one day Potiphar's wife tried to take matters into her own selfish hand and she caught Joseph by his garment and he totally shed the garment and fled. So, then because Potiphar's wife did not get what she wanted, decided to lie and say that Joseph was the one wanting to lie with her. So, Potiphar had Joseph cast into prison.

No, we don't have handsome servant boys at our homes to tempt us! But how do we act in this same way in our lives? I can think of many instances! How about when we desire a new dress, or jacket, or chocolate cake, or new piece of jewelry? We look at it and see it is beautiful and appealing in both form and appearance and we become selfish and do whatever it takes to get that item! Whether it is maybe lying to our husbands about how much it really cost, or being deceptive about how we get it. I would say that this too is wrong. Now, it may not be exactly the same thing, but the heart attitude is the same. It is simply selfishness. Letting our desires, lusts, and fleshly appetites dictate our lives. I know I have been guilty of this. Let us be honest with ourselves and be careful that we do not become selfish and do whatever it takes to get what we want as women. We do have a power over our husbands. I know my husband shared this with me when we were first married, when I see something in the store and I really really want it and make a big deal about it he feels compelled to buy it for me whether it is wise or not simply because he loves me and desires to make me happy and pleasure me. We need to be careful and be wise and control our selfish desires.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why We Need to be Women of Virtue

Genesis 33-35
Dinah was Leah's daughter. Now that the family has settled in the city of Shechem, Dinah decides to go out and see the "women of the land." It is possible that the translation of this carries negative connotations. Earlier in 27:46 Rebekah speaks out against Jacob marrying "one of the women of the land." It is possible that Dinah was wanting/seeking to be a woman not exactly looked upon in the best way. The Bible does not say exactly, but it is possible because of what happens next that these women lived a life similar to prostitution. Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, who was the prince of the land, saw Dinah and lusted after her. He then seized her and lay with her and humiliated her. He raped her. It is possible that had Dinah not been seeking the kind of lifestyle of the "women of the land" that the rest of the events of the chapter could have been totally avoided. Is that to say that it was all Dinah's fault? No. Shechem lusted and then committed a sin against Dinah, but was Dinah presenting her body in a way that might have welcomed his actions? It is very possible.

We as women, need to be presenting ourselves ALWAYS as godly, virtuous women. Does that mean that we cover our heads with a veil and wear long sleeves and skirts to the floor for fear men will see any sign of skin? No Way! Modesty goes much farther than the clothes that we wear. We need to be virtuous in apparel, conversation, and actions. What do I mean?

Obviously, when I speak about apparel I am talking about wearing appropriate clothing that does not draw attention to your body. Some people take this as far as not wearing pants. I do not agree with this (my opinion). Obviously, there are many times where pants are completely modest! Skirts and dresses are just plain feminine. You can't argue with that. They just are. But you can be completely immodest when wearing a skirt or a dress. You know what I am talking about. Figure out what you need to wear that is modest for the occasion. The big thing today seems to be to make a statement with what you wear. Everything is bring and fun. And thats not necessarily a problem. But what kind of statement are you making with your apparel? What kind of statement should you be making? Let us strive to state to the world that we are women of God. We are not caught up in the latest fashions because we are living for eternity! Dress nicely, yes. But in a way that can honor and glorify God.

We need to be virtuous in our conversation. What topics do you discuss each day? How do you talk? Are you very showy with your conversation? Does your conversation draw others closer to God or to the things of this world? We need to be honoring God with our conversations. We need to talk about things that a woman seeking God's heart would talk about.

And we need to be virtuous in our actions. What are you doing today that would point others to Christ? How did you react when your children did not behave correctly or our husbands made us angry? Would God be honored? What do we allow to influence our actions? Do we allow what we watch or read or hear to influence our actions? Or do we allow our actions to be controlled by God and His word?

If we are presenting ourselves as women of virtue then we can be sure that we have not caused others to stumble, but rather to aspire to be like us and ultimately that will be to lead others to Christ because they see a difference in our lives.

The consequences of Deception to later generations.
Because of what happened to Dinah, her brothers became very very angry. Yes, this is rightfully so. But they allowed their anger to take over them and control their actions and attitudes. Jacob had influenced his sons lives. Jacob was known as being deceptive - his name means 'he who deceives.' His sons learned to be deceptive through watching their father, and so they deceived Shechem and his father Hamor. When Shechem came to them asking that he be allowed to marry Dinah in return for whatever they asked for, the brothers asked Shechem to have every male circumcised as they were. Circumcision was introduced as the sign of the eternal covenant between God and Abraham in chapter 17. Those who are circumcised acknowledge Abraham as their father. Circumcision was also intended by God to bring divine blessing. So, even though it was right for Jacob's sons to insist that all males be circumcised in order for both groups to become one people, they used it in the wrong way.
On the third day, when all the men were sore, two on Jacob's son's - Simeon and Levi - came into the city and killed all the men. These two brother's allowed their anger to overtake them.
Even though all of Jacob's son's were part of the deceptive plan against Shechem and Hamor (they all plundered the city afterwards), Simeon and Levi are set apart as bringing the most trouble on Jacob's household. It is feared that the Canaanites and Perizzites may attack.
Again, we see how a father's deceptive nature influences his son's. Let us be so careful as mother's to lead our children to ALWAYS do what is right in God's sight.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Deception and Idols of this World

Yes, I have mentioned several times now about the dangers of deception. But again, the issue comes up in this family. Jacob deceived his father Isaac. Laban deceives Jacob. And now we will see how Rachel deceives her father Laban. It is one big huge circle of deception.

The Lord tells Jacob to return to the land of his fathers. So, he and his household and livestock all fled Laban's land. They deceived Laban by not telling him that they were leaving, and Rachel stole her father's household god's. The passage is not clear as to why she did this or what exactly they were. My study Bible gives a little insight. They may have been small figurines depicting particular gods. Rachel may have taken them to prevent Laban from using their power to overcome Jacob or she may have thought they would bring her good fortune or she simply only wanted them for their inherent value if they were made from costly materials. Either way, Jacob had no idea that she had taken these gods. If Rachel took them because she thought they might bring her good fortune or wealth she was looking toward the wrong things to fulfill these desires.

Do we have our own "god's" that no one knows about? Or maybe people know about them, but they are our 'security blanket' when it comes to good fortune or wealth. Either way, we need to be careful that we do not elevate the things of this world above God. We need to trust that God will be our 'security blanket' in times of need, and that when we rely on Him he will make our path straight! We do not need 'good fortune' when we are following God's perfect will for our lives. He has promised to meet our needs and to never leave us or forsake us. We need to trust his promise and follow Him with our lives.

Laban was told three days after Jacob and his family had left. So, Laban goes after Jacob and confronts him concerning his deception in leaving. Jacob answers and says, "...I was afraid, for I thought that you would take your daughters from me by force." Laban also asks why Jacob stole his god's. Since jacob knows nothing about the stolen god's he tells Laban, "anyone with whom you find your gods shall not live." So, Laban searched Leah's tent and Rachel's tent. Rachel was in her tent and hid the gods in the camel's saddle and then sat on them. She then tells her father not to be angry that she cannot stand up because of her menstrual cycle. So, her father searches her tent and does not find the gods.

We must be so careful. If our children see deception in their parents they will reap deception in their own lives. Let us be women who strive to only speak the truth through our words and our actions so that these elements of deception are not found in our generation or our future generations.


Genesis 29-30
As I am going along in this study, God is bringing up so many different relational dynamics. We have seen different struggles in the marriage relationship. We have seen different struggles between parents and children. And we have seen different struggles between siblings. Chapter 29-30 seems like one HUGE battle between two sisters who just so happen to be married to the same man.

But first, I have to mention that for Jacob it seems like a matter of what goes around comes around. He and his mother deceived his father Isaac so that Jacob would receive the blessing in place of Esau. Well, his mother sends him away, for fear Esau would kill him, to Laban (his uncle). Jacob falls in love with Rachel, Laban's daughter, and serves Laban for seven years in order to marry Rachel. Well, Laban deceives Jacob and gives him Leah (Rachel's sister) as his wife. So, Jacob served an additional seven years and married Rachel. We need to be careful that we are not being deceptive in our relationships, because one day we too will be deceived. Not to mention it is wrong to not speak the truth always.

Ok, back to the sisters. Leah and Rachel are now married to the same man (I can't even imagine how not cool this would be). And to make matters worse, Leah is not loved by Jacob. So, God intervenes and closes Rachel's womb (more proof that God is in control of even this sacred matter!) and makes Leah fruitful. Leah has four children and then it says she stopped bearing children. Well, wouldn't you know it! Rachel envies her sister because she is able to have children. Bring on the cat fight! lol! Wow. So, Rachel goes to jacob and says, "Give me children, or I shall die!" So, then Jacob gets angry at Rachel (the woman he loves) and says, "Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?" So, then Rachel takes matters into her own hands (just like her grandmother in law, Sarah, did) and gave Jacob her servant, Bilhah and so Bilhah conceives and gives jacob two sons.

Well, in the other tent (those are my words...not sure if it really was in a different tent or not), Leah sees what is going on and because she has ceased to bear anymore children decides she is going to give Jacob the most children and gives Jacob her servant, Zilpah. So, Zilpah conceives and has two sons. Obviously, we can see how having more than one wife can be a bit rough! Not to mention expensive! Thats a lot of mouths to feed! But on a serious note, look at where the trail of deception has gotten Jacob. And then it gets worse...

Leah's son Reuben found mandrakes in the field one day and brought them to his mother. Not exactly sure what mandrakes were, but from what I have read, they are possibly "love fruits." Oh boy. So, Rachel sees the mandrakes and asks Leah for some. Leah replies by saying, "Is it a small matter that you have taken away my husband? Would you also take away my son's mandrakes?" So, then Rachel says that Leah and lie with their husband that night in exchange for some mandrakes. I can only imagine the look on Jacob's face when he returns from a long day in the field and Leah says to him, "You must come in to me, for I have hired you with my son's mandrakes." And so, Leah conceives 3 more times and give Jacob two sons and a daughter by Leah.

In verse 22 of chapter 30 God remembered Rachel and opened her womb and she conceived and had a son named Joseph...more on him later.

These two women were looking for satisfaction and fulfillment from ALL the wrong places. They could only see their accomplishments before their husband as what completed them and truly satisfied them. It does not seem they looked to God for their satisfaction. They were in a jealousy war it seemed trying to prove to their husband that one was better than the other. No, none of us are married to the same man (thankfully!) and will ever go through this kind of thing, but have we ever been jealous of another woman for other reasons? Maybe she was prettier, or seemed happier, or had better clothes, or WHATEVER! We have all been there at some point or another. Obviously, we are looking for satisfaction in the wrong place. We need to take our eyes off of things of this world and put our focus on God. We must remember that we are precious in God's eyes and we don't need "things" to prove ourselves to God or anyone else. Let's focus on how God sees us instead of on how others see us.

Do You Have a Favorite Child?

Esau and Jacob were two completely different boys. Anyone who has had twins or been around twins understands how vastly different they can be. Esau was the manlier, outdoor-oriented son who was favored by his father. Jacob was the quieter, domestic natured son favored by mother. Obviously, these boys knew that their parents had picked favorites and I am sure they struggled with envy on both sides. In fact, we see this very thing.

Isaac is very old and has lost his eyesight. He calls to Esau, his favorite son, and asks him to catch and prepare delicious food for him so that he can eat and bless Esau before he dies. Rebekah hears this, and because she loves Jacob more, decides to devise a plan to steal Esau's blessing and give it to Jacob. She has Jacob lie to his father and bring him a delicious meal and Jacob receives the blessing meant for Esau. This sparks anger in Esau (of course) and he says he will kill his brother. So, Rebekah tells Jacob to flee to her brother Laban in Haran.

Because Isaac and Rebekah have decided to pick favorites between their two sons it has only caused strife in their home. We need to be so very careful that we love our children each individually for who they are. Not favoring one over another simply because of their personality. Of course, I only have one son right now whom I love dearly and I have my second born due in March. I don't know how hard this might be. I can imagine they will have completely different personalities, but they are both my children. I will love both of them. It will be different I am sure, but the main truth is the importance of not picking a favorite son/daughter and showing more love to one than the other. This is what sparks jealousy and hatred as we can see in Isaac and Rebekah's family.

God can use us even when we do not do what is right. This does not mean God condones our wrong actions. It simply means that He continues to work His will regardless. In Genesis 25:23 the Lord said to Rebekah (prior to either Jacob or Esau's birth), "...the older shall serve the younger." Yes, Rebekah did deceive her husband and that was wrong, but God's word prevailed. Is it possible that this same outcome could have come had Rebekah not deceived Isaac? I believe so. Simply because God said it would be so. God also knew what was going to happen before it even happened. There is no telling what would have happened had Rebekah not been deceptive. But the principal still applies that God in his sovereignty can and will use us to fulfill his promises and work around our sinful ways to carry out his plan. Just remember that if we had followed God, there would have been an easier way!

Your Children Are Watching You!

On the issue of multiple wives:
Something I am noticing as being consistent with the instances where a man has more than one wife, is that the first wife tends to be of greater importance and the bond between the husband and first wife is much stronger. Abraham had 3 wives that are mentioned in the Bible: Sarah, Hagar, and Keturah. Obviously, Sarah was of more importance to Abraham because it only says he was buried with her. And then when Esau takes two wives at the end of chapter 26 it is looked upon poorly by his parents. It even says that they (the wives) made life bitter for Isaac and Rebekah. This could be because they were both Hittite's. Either way, I find it interesting that even though men during this time did have second wives, it wasn't without it's difficulties. Obviously, Hagar and Sarah had a very rough relationship. I think God is trying to use these instances to show us how unhealthy it is on a marriage and to further emphasis that His desire is that a man only have one wife.

Rebekah also is mentioned as being barren. Isaac prayed to the Lord regarding this issue with his wife, and God answered Isaac's prayer with twins - Esau and Jacob (Side note...the name Jacob means 'he deceives,' which you will understand more about later.)! More proof that God is the one in control of all aspects of life! If you study all that has to be just right at the moment conception takes place, you will find that it is a miracle any babies are even born! Proof that God is the orchestrator of even this! Each and every time a life is created at conception, it is on purpose! God has a purpose for that life and we need to understand how sacred and special each tiny little life is!

We need to be living lives that are an example to our children. Isaac and Rebekah settle near Gerar (you will remember this from chapter 20, because Abraham did the exact same thing). Rebekah was beautiful, so, Isaac told Rebekah to say she was Isaac's sister. Unlike Isaac's parents, this was not even a half truth. Rebekah was Isaac's cousin. Of course, King Abimelech finds out the truth (not like he hasn't had this one pulled on him before) and the King declared that if anyone touches either Isaac or Rebekah they will be put to death. I am sure that Isaac knew that this was exactly what his father had his mother do when they traveled. But you would think Isaac would know better. Either way, this proves that our children are watching us and we need to be sure that we are living lives that inspire our children to do what is right in God's eyes. Has everything that you have done today been commendable? If your children were to repeat what you did today would you be embarrassed? Yes, kids say some pretty hilarious things sometimes, but that is not what i am talking about. Morally speaking, are we inspiring our children to do what is right? They will remember what we do and they will follow our example. We need to be cautious and always on guard that if they were to do what we do or say what we say that God would be honored in all.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Isaac and Rebekah, a Love Story

As children and then teenagers we all dream of falling in love and living happily ever after. When we were really young we watched all the Disney princess movies and dreamed of one day being swept off our feet by our very own Prince Charming. When we were teenagers we wanted boyfriends and wanted to go on dates and be romanced! We enjoyed getting flowers and love notes from crushes, and we dreamed of our wedding days! Some of you may still be waiting for the right guy to come around. Those like me can think back to the days when you met your husband for the first time and how your "dating story" unfolded. Yes, I think back to those days with a sigh as they were days when my husband and I were just getting to know each other and figuring out if this might just possibly be "the one!" Now, having been married for a little more than 5 years, and having gone through lots of bumps along the way, I know that it isn't exactly a happily ever after like the fairy tales! Instead, it is a reality that you are two selfish sinners, trying to live together under one roof! Haha! Not exactly the perfect endning, huh? But, it is beautiful! And I love being married! How does it work so well? Truthfully, it doesn't! But I love my husband and I am committed to HIM till the end (being death). And so, even with the bumps along the way, we work things out and follow God and love each other, following God's plan!

When you think of the Bible, you probably don't think that there is romance and a few love stories (husband and wife) included inside! But that is what I love about my Bible! God did include these in His word! Why? To give us a guide as to what a true and lasting love story/marriage is supposed to look like. So that we can follow God's guide to "happily ever after."

While reading chapter 24 of Genesis, I couldn't help but read it as if I was reading a "fairy tale." It kind of sounds like one doesn't it? Abraham (Isaac's father) makes a promise with the oldest servant of his household to find a wife not from the Canaanites, but rather of Abraham's family. So, that faithful servant travels all the way back to Nahor, which was approximately 550 miles North of Hebron, where they were. This trip would have taken the servant approximately 21 days to travel! That truly is one faithful servant!

Well, this servant prays for direction from God. He asks that God guide him to the right woman by being specific about what she does for him. The woman who gives both him and his camel a drink from the spring of water shall be the woman that God has chosen as Isaac's wife.

Along comes Rebekah, who is described as a woman of very attractive appearance and a woman whom no man has known - a virgin. She had no idea at all of what was going on. And out of the kindness of her heart gives both the servant and his camel water. Then when the servant inquired as to whose daughter she was, she revealed that she was the daughter of Bethuel who was the son of Milcah (and this is why paying attention to genealogies is important). Milcah was the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother. Rebekah was Abraham's great niece! So, Rebekah then trusts the servant and travels about 550 miles back down to Hebron and then we get to the romantic part of the story!

Isaac goes out to the field one evening to ponder life/pray to God/etc, when in the distance he spots camels coming his direction. Rebekah, spies the man walking in the fields and asks the servant who he was, and the servant simply responds, "It is my master." So, Rebekah covers herself with a veil and Isaac then takes Rebekah and she becomes his wife and it simply says in verse 67, "...and he loved her."

What can we learn about God's picture of marriage from this story? A few key things.

God's timing is always perfect! Obviously, neither Rebekah or Isaac were out dating, or seeking a husband/wife on their own. They were waiting. And each was busy doing what they needed to do in life. Rebekah was being a servant to a servant (right where God wanted her) and she was also a daughter in her father's house. Isaac was a son in his father's house, I am sure helping with tasks that needed to be done. Neither was looking for the other. They were simply waiting and were right where they needed to be for God to work!

Rebekah had never been with another man. She was pure in the sight of God and her husband. So important that we keep a standard of purity in our lives prior to marriage! Let our husband be the first and only man who ever touches us. This is God's will for our lives!

Rebekah was willing to submit to the authority placed over her (God, the servant, and Isaac). She simply followed. This is God's command for wives.

Isaac loved Rebekah. God's command for husbands!

A beautiful picture of a Biblical love story! Instead of seeking after the worlds version of true love, lets strive to follow God's version! It is where we will find true, lasting, fulfilling love in our marriage relationship!