While reading this passage last night only 2 main points concerning women stood out to me. One is a promise that brings peace and the other is a principle/command to follow. Neither is directly mentioned. But both can be found if you look deeper into this passage.
What's happening:
Adam and Eve have left the garden and are in the process of fulfilling God's first command to "be fruitful and multiply." Eve gives birth to 2 sons, Cain and Abel. We all know the story. Cain and Abel bring offerings to God. Cain brings an offering of the fruit of the ground and Abel brings a firstborn of his flock of sheep. God was more pleased with Abel's offering than Cain's. This is not to say that God prefers shepherds to farmers, rather I think God could see the heart of each man and saw a greater love and devotion and sacrifice in the heart of Abel. Consequently, Cain became enraged at his brother and killed him.
From there the passage goes into the descendants of Cain and then in chapter 5 Adam and Eve have another son named Seth. The passage then continues with the descendants of Seth.
A Promise:
There are two main lists of descendants mentioned in this passage. One list is from Cain and the other is from Seth. I found the placement of these in this passage interesting. In chapter 4 verses 17-24 it mentions the descendants of Cain. It is obvious to see how Cain's sinful heart affected his future generations. His great great great grandson was Lamech. The only thing mentioned about Lamech was that he had 2 wives and that he killed a man for simply wounding/striking him. Obviously there was a root of anger that flowed through this blood line.
But now back to the promise! After reading through chapter 4 and seeing how one man's sinful heart affected future generations, chapter 5 begins by saying again in verse 2, "Male and female he created them, and he blessed them...." And then it goes into the descendants of Seth. And what a contrast! In the line of Seth we have people like Enoch who is simply known as having "walked with God, and he was not, for God took him." Enoch then fathered Methuselah who was the oldest man who ever lived! And then Methuselah's grandson was Noah!
We can see how even in the midst of a sin cursed world, God blessed! But even more, we can see how the lives of those lived before impacted the future generations. I was reminded of how truly important my walk with God is and how it will affect the lives of my children and grandchildren and even my great great great grandchildren! Let's be the ones who, no matter what kind of influence we had in past generations, take a stand NOW and make a difference in the generations to come for the glory of God!
And let me just add that the descendants of Cain are not all known for bad things. Jabal was known as the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock, and Jubal was known as the father of those who play the lyre and pipe, and Tubal-cain was the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron. These were Cain's great great great great grandson's. BUT, I must add....what did they do for Christ?? For that they are not remembered.
A Principal for those who are single:
The first part of chapter 6 can be confusing. And there is much speculation about what exactly it means. But no matter what it means, there is a principal that can be applied.
This comes after the birth of Noah, and we all know how wicked and corrupt the world was at that time based on what we know happens later in Noah's life. But more on that....later. In the beginning of chapter 6 it directly mentions the daughters that were born as man continued to multiply on the earth. These daughters were apparently attractive, and the sons of God chose them as their wives. This is where the speculation comes in. No one really knows exactly what is meant in this chapter. In my study Bible it mentions three possibilities as to the identities of the sons of God: 1) fallen angels, 2) tyrannical human judges or kings - from the ungodly line of Lamech, who were possibly demon possessed, or 3) followers of God from the line of Seth who married ungodly daughters of Cain.
Either way, a principal that can be applied here is that who we marry is important! In the New Testament it mentions that we are not to be un-equally yoked together with unbelievers. We need to follow God's plan for our lives. We need to be searching for a man who loves God more than he will ever love us! Even if you find a man who loves you and seems so perfect, but he does not love God, I would encourage you to run the other direction. Why? Because his entire basis for life is wrong. His priorities are wrong. And it will cause strife in your marriage. Some may argue that if you get married then maybe he will come to Christ. But what if he doesn't? How will that affect your children? Most importantly, God commands that we not even enter into that relationship. Therefore we must follow God. This is a tough area! But wouldn't you love to find a husband who believes the same as you, who loves God with all of his heart and who will teach your children to love God as well? Remember the promise mentioned above about our future generations? This is part of that! How confused will our children be if they see Mommy following God, and Daddy wanting no part of God in his life? This is so important! So, I would encourage those who are single to continue to pursue God and when God's timing is perfect He will bring the RIGHT man into your life! A man who is also pursuing God waiting for God to bring that perfect girl into his life!
"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
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